German Dada and New Objectivity:


Otto Dix, Self-portrait with Carnation

Otto Dix, Self-portrait as Mars (1916)


George Grosz, Fit for Active Service (1916-17)

George Grosz, Metropolis (1917)


Max Beckmann, Descent from the Cross

Max Beckmann, The Night (1918-19)


Hannah Hoch, Beautiful Girl (1920)

Raoul Hausmann,
The Spirit of Our Times (1921)


Otto Dix, The Skat Players (1920)

Otto Dix, To Beauty (Self-portrait, 1922)


George Grosz,
Cover of Die Pleite 3 (Bankruptcy)

George Grosz, The Face of the
Ruling Class


George Grosz, The White General (1922-3)

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