FINE4600/5600: The History of Modern Design: Industrial Revolution to the Present
Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:45pm, Tivoli 139H (Community Theater)

Salmona housing complex in Bogota, ColombiaCOURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will survey the history of design from the 19th century to the present.  The course readings and lectures will address, and in course discussions, examinations students will be expected to understand the graphic design, typography, architecture, “decorative arts,” product design, and new media from each period/major design movement in that time frame.  Since the course deals as much with history as with art, students will also learn and be expected to understand the different historical events, media and philosophical theories that inform the work presented in the class, as well as relating how these “design” objects are inextricably connected to the “fine arts” of the period from which they come.

WRITING AND RESEARCH: Citation style guidelines
Search the collection and databases at Auraria Library

Design history and present in the news:

Lecture links: